Memory Season Reality
Interactive installation / W17.5cm, H12.5cm, D2cm / 2012

Auguries of Innocence
– William Blake

“To see a world in a grain of sand,

And a heaven in a wild flower,

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand,

And eternity in an hour.”

Nature is a silent neighbor. Memory Season Reality is one part of series work ” Memory Season”. Elements from real world also exist in virtual world. Memory is not only about “recording”, but also “creating”. It is a world even if it is a plant from virtual world. What is the reality?
Memory season reality is a interactive installation represents nature environemnt with climates. The concept is from the fact that our memories ususally connect to our sensation.
In Prototype 2, the project is directly position in our daily environment. Instead of LED display, the motion graphic is projected on a piece of traditional paper.
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